Who We Are

At Grace Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas (Grace) our mission is transforming lives through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. It’s that simple and that challenging. We know we are a work in progress; for we are a people serious about following God. Grace is a diverse family of faith that welcomes all (and y’all means all!) as we joyfully worship, equip young and old to be disciples, nurture bonds of community, and serve in Christ’s ministries of peace and justice. We are intellectually curious, service-minded, and intentional in caring for one another and forming community together.

Beginning in 2022, Midland Lutheran Church (MLC) joined Grace and today we engage in shared ministry. We worship together in Grace each Sunday, celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month. During the week and other Sundays, both Grace and MLC faith communities come together in Grace for spiritual growth, fellowship, outreach ministries, and special times of worship.

We encourage you to pay us a visit. Come to worship on Sunday morning and stay for fellowship afterwards. Gather with us for mission, fellowship, or discipleship opportunities. Click on the Calendar for dates, times, and places. Call me at the church or send me an email at pastor.gracepres@gmail.com. I’d love to visit with you over a cold iced tea and share how we can be together in Grace.

Grace invites you to join us as we come together in Grace. Glory be!

Pastor Diane
Interim Minister