Gifts of time and talents shared in a spirit of generosity are a joyful part of our Christian living.At Grace, we offer numerous opportunities for you to respond to what God is doing in your life. Giving of your time can include attending worship, participating in church school or youth group, teaching in the children’s or youth ministries, or other church events. The possibilities are endless.God gives us all individual talents and skills we can use to serve others and the church. Below are just a few examples of the many ways you can use certain talents to give back through Grace’s ministries.
Serve on a church committeeThe Presbyterian Church (USA) governs using an appointed committee system. Committees are “staffed” by church members and staff liaisons to discuss, plan, and implement various areas of ministry and programming throughout the life of the church. Serving on a committee is fun and rewarding. For more information, contact the church office.

Enjoy meeting new people? Serve as an usherUshers create a welcoming environment for those attending in person worship. (A friendly smile is the most important usher skill!) Ushers are responsible for welcoming worshippers into the building, providing information, escorting members to their seats, and assisting with the recession of the congregation. Volunteer opportunities are available on a rotating basis or simply as you are. For more information, contact the church office.