Christian Education

Adult Church School

Adult Church School classes meet weekly in the Adult Classroom to study and support adults in nurturing their faith and discipleship. Classes meet from 9:30-10:30 a.m. each Sunday and are led by an outstanding faculty of members, staff, and friends of the church. Bible study, faith formation, and contemporary issues in church and society, as well as the lectionary readings for that Sunday, form the curriculum. During the seasons of Lent and Advent, special opportunities for faith formation are offered. For more information or questions about any of these classes. please contact Pastor Diane.

Weekly Studies

Weekly via Zoom
Mondays at 3:00 p.m.
Contact: Joy Alexander

Book Group
6:00 p.m.
Adult Classroom
Contact: Pastor Diane

Food First (Rope Youth)

Just like the name, this ministry ensures that kids have the food they need FIRST. Weekdays from June – July, Food First provides balanced meals to children, and helps alleviate food insecurity during the summer months.

Children Church School

At Grace we believe parents, teachers, and the church are in partnership to encourage our children and youth in the faith. We seek to provide an atmosphere in which children and youth identify church as a place where they feel accepted, affirmed and loved, as well as a sense of belonging.

Youth Group

Our youth meet on the first and third Sunday. YGs include dinner, activities, and fellowship with some YGs centered around serving for church events or mission projects. Parent volunteers and Youth Sponsors support YG by providing food and chaperones. YG is a perfect opportunity to be with church friends and bring new friends to join the fun. Open to all youth in the community confirmation classes are also provided during YG.

Kairos Prison Ministry

Volunteers send encouraging words of God’s hope, love and grace to our brothers in Christ at the Fort Stockton facility.